
  • 科幻
  • 郎哥第6人 南山南 笨蛋老头 怠惰细胞 岳训宇 青芽红豆 奥古 尚铁龙
  • 62分钟
  • 故事的主角是一位年轻而积极向上的翔科集团工程师,他名叫马克斯。他对自己的公司独大的地位感到不满,认为人们应该有更多选择和机会。马克斯听说了鑫天科技即将推出的国精产品,决定深入调查这个项目。…

守护者 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



一个小镇上突然出现🌲了一只恐怖🍁的怪兽🐤,年轻😔的居民们必须团结起来与之战斗🌑。Two childhood friends are forced to confront their troubled past when they are reunited under unexpected circumstances.一位年轻😝的医生因为一场车祸失去🐗了记忆👏,🐖他开始怀疑自己🦂的身份🌱,并陷入🍃了一个致命🪴的阴谋之中😿。A group of strangers find themselves trapped in a mysterious mansion, where they must solve a series of puzzles to escape before its too late.A brilliant scientist develops a technology that allows people to enter and experience their dreams, but soon realizes that some dreams can turn into nightmares.In a world where emotions are strictly controlled, a young woman begins to question the system and embarks on a dangerous journey to find true love and freedom.一位普通人😾在一次意外中拯救🐦了一位名人🌕的生命🪁,从而引发🍻了一场全球性💐的追捧🦖。然而📴,🌹他很快发现这个名人☁️有着暗黑🐄的过去🥋,为♊️了生存🕗,🧧他必须揭开真相并与邪恶☮️的势力抗衡🌓。In a post-apocalyptic world, a lone survivor fights against hordes of zombies while searching for a safe haven, but soon realizes that the real threat might be closer than he thought.A down-on-his-luck boxer gets a second chance at redemption when he is offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight for the world title.一位年轻🔯的医生奉献自己👺的一生救治瘟疫患者🦂,🍄他🐋的无私精神感动🏸了整个社会🍴。A young prodigy discovers a hidden talent for time travel and must race against time to prevent a catastrophic event.Two strangers meet on a train and strike up a conversation, leading to a whirlwind romance that challenges their personal beliefs and tests the limits of their relationship.一个被遗忘🕎的废弃寄宿学校成为一群冒险家🧀的目😅的地♊️,🙈他们希望😌在那里找到传说中🎄的宝藏🈶,却没🔱有意识到学校中隐藏🤠的恐怖秘密🌓。In a dystopian society, a rebellious teenager joins a secret resistance group to overthrow an oppressive government regime and restore freedom to the people.个年轻🤠的神秘人闯入🌳了一个犯罪团伙😜的秘密基地🤮,用✍他🦋的智慧🔱和技巧粉碎🔆了🧨他们🐕的计划😝。🌩在一个神秘😹的小镇上🥗,一个失去记忆☸️的流浪者发现自己竟然拥🐵有😥了无法想象👌的超能力🦠,😫他开始揭开自己身世🥋的秘密🈹,并与一群落难者联手👹,为正义而战🐃。…


