
  • 惊悚
  • 乔纳斯阿克伦德 米切尔·罗宾 杜夫·朗格DolphLundgren 袁思远 李欣雨 林子平 陆长弓 韩国材
  • 31分钟
  • 在他的调查中,马克斯发现国精产品采用了一种前所未有的技术,能够将高端奢侈品和低价实用品合二为一。马克斯认为这款产品有巨大的市场潜力,能够彻底改变人们的生活。但是,鑫天科技却不希望翔科集团插手这个项目,并且做出了威胁翔科集团的举动。…

电影在线看 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



A talented dancer is torn between her passion for dance and her duty to a secret organization that trains assassins, leading to an epic showdown.A young journalist discovers a hidden treasure map that leads her on a thrilling adventure to uncover a long-lost pirate treasure.Two strangers, trapped in a malfunctioning elevator, must confront their deepest fears and secrets while waiting for rescue.A talented musician clashes with an arrogant record producer who wants to exploit her talent for his own gain.A young detective gets caught up in a web of corruption and must navigate a dangerous city to uncover the truth.一位失去记忆🕷的女子苏醒😓在一个陌生🌷的地方👨,她必须解开自己🕤的身份谜团🌻,并🌼在这个充满危险🦎和秘密🏸的世界中生存下去🈷️。A troubled teenager discovers a hidden portal to a parallel dimension, where she must face her fears and save both worlds from destruction.一个年轻🪲的女子与一位神秘男子之间展开⚡️了一场危险🐤的爱恋🌷。一段刻骨铭心🎳的爱情故事发生🪰在战乱时期🍘,两个人🎄的命运🍓在顽强坚持中彼此交织⛳在一起💥。🕎在一座被封锁🦚的岛屿上🐒,一群陌生人被迫参与一场生死游戏🐘,✨他们必须相互合作才能生存下去🎋。一位年轻🦗的女子加入😕了一支反抗军😸,与邪恶🦂的统治者进行激烈🎐的战斗🍤,最终取得✳️了胜利*。Two childhood friends rediscover their long-lost bond as they embark on a cross-country road trip.A brilliant scientist accidentally creates a powerful artificial intelligence that becomes self-aware, leading to a battle for humanitys survival.A struggling musician gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he is offered a record deal by a famous producer, but soon realizes that success comes at a heavy price.一名破产👇的商人被一个神秘🌈的老人送到一个隐藏🌛的岛屿🐗,那里居住着一群神话般☪️的生物☣️,🎱他必须面对一系列挑战📴,以证明自己🤯的勇气😧。In a world where dreams can be manipulated, a troubled psychologist must confront her own inner demons and unravel a conspiracy that threatens to control the very fabric of reality.…


