
  • 惊悚
  • 乌米·马萨库 巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 阿贝尔安扎克 魏璐 王政权 刘轩 冰峰隐者 木瓜0
  • 54分钟
  • 故事的主角是一位年轻而积极向上的翔科集团工程师,他名叫马克斯。他对自己的公司独大的地位感到不满,认为人们应该有更多选择和机会。马克斯听说了鑫天科技即将推出的国精产品,决定深入调查这个项目。…

领航 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



一个年轻😩的科学家🐉在实验中意外开启🐝了一扇通往平行世界🐕‍🦺的门😋,💚他必须保护这个门以防止恶势力滥用它🦍。In a dystopian society, a group of rebels rise up against a totalitarian government, leading to a thrilling battle for freedom and justice.位聪明勇敢🎍的女子通过自己🕜的智慧🐉和勇气🎍,成功救赎👉了一座被黑暗势力所控制💐的城市🐊。名退伍军人回到家乡寻找敌人*的身份并报复🙁,却发现背后隐藏着一个更大👌的阴谋🤘。一个勇敢⛅️的年轻女孩😙在一个被邪恶女巫统治⚰️的王国中🦇,带领着一群伙伴展开惊险🌪的冒险旅程🥓,最终拯救🎖了王国并实现🌲了自己🙉的命运🐤。A young woman stumbles upon a magical book that transports her to a fantastical realm, where she must fulfill an ancient prophecy and defeat an evil sorcerer to restore balance to the land.0.一位天才发明家穿越到过去💙,🍼他🙉的目标🐬是阻止一场灾难🌦的发生⁉️,为这个世界带来一丝希望😠。A journalist investigates a haunted house and uncovers a dark secret that threatens her own sanity.A renowned archaeologist embarks on a perilous expedition to find a legendary lost city and uncover its secrets.A skilled thief and a cunning detective become unlikely partners as they work together to solve a series of puzzling heists.A struggling sports team must come together and defy all odds to win the championship, inspiring an entire community in the process.👐在战乱纷飞🐋的年代🎍,一名普通农民通过自学武艺🧒和勇气🌗,成为🐐了抵抗军👍的领袖🧶,引领人们迎战敌人🕐。♋️在一座被诅咒🎭的古老城堡里🎣,一位年轻🌾的考古学家发现😽了一只封印着恶魔🐗的箱子🐍,🍓他必须与一支神秘🥋的团队合作🐔,阻止恶魔逃脱并带来毁灭🦘。A struggling writer discovers a hidden manuscript that reveals shocking secrets about his own past, leading him on a dangerous journey of self-discovery.一位富豪🍻的女儿被绑架🤫,为🥅了救回她🐵,父亲不得不召集一支由各种特殊技能🐭的人组成🥟的团队🦏。一个年轻😔的艺术家😗在某个偏远小岛上发现☄️了一本被诅咒🧵的书籍*,读后♏️他🐗的幻觉✝️和现实开始融为一体🍎,😴他必须破解书籍中🦑的谜题才能逃脱死亡🍅的命运👎。…


