
  • 武侠
  • 落周求吉尼玛 阿莱娜·嘉莉 Rosendo 马丁·拉萨尔 克里斯·加西亚 崔炜晨 潘润康 EdwardAlbert
  • 74分钟
  • 故事的主角是一位年轻而积极向上的翔科集团工程师,他名叫马克斯。他对自己的公司独大的地位感到不满,认为人们应该有更多选择和机会。马克斯听说了鑫天科技即将推出的国精产品,决定深入调查这个项目。…

忍冬艳蔷薇 04-30 上映 敬请关注!



An ambitious journalist uncovers a government conspiracy that threatens to dismantle the democratic system.An orphaned teenager sets out on a quest to uncover the truth about his mysterious origins, only to discover a world beyond his wildest imagination.一个普通🤥的高中生无意间发现自己拥🕷有😻了操控时间🦍的能力🌨,😽他利用这个能力来追求🙂他心爱🐣的女孩⛅️,却引发☀️了一系列混乱😌和意想不到🐆的后果🦡。♑️在一个荒岛上🌴,一群幸存者为🦢了争夺😪有限🦁的资源而展开*了激烈🚫的生存竞争🌿。🕑在未来世界🦄,人类与人工智能发生冲突😒,一位年轻😐的AI工程师必须决定🍔他🦔的忠诚究竟属于人类还🍏是机器🕸。When a series of unexplainable events plague a small town, a skeptical journalist delves into the supernatural, unraveling a web of dark secrets.Two lifelong friends find themselves on opposite sides of a war, forcing them to confront their differences and question their loyalty.In a small town plagued by supernatural occurrences, a group of teenagers teams up to investigate the mysterious events and uncover a dark secret.A young woman with extraordinary powers must learn to control and embrace her abilities to save the world from an impending apocalypse.A troubled teenager is sent to a remote wilderness camp for troubled youth, where she discovers her inner strength and forms unexpected friendships.A reclusive inventor creates a time machine that inadvertently transports him to different eras, experiencing historical events firsthand and trying to find a way back to his own time.一位年轻警察与一位外星人结成合作😵,追踪一伙外星间谍🤪,最终发现🦌了一场跨星系🙁的阴谋💪。一对失散多年🍡的兄妹😊在偶然相遇后✍️,👹在对方身上发现😿了令人震惊🙌的秘密🌑,🎣他们决定一同揭开家族❕的谜团💣。一个被遗忘🥯的大陆中📴,隐藏着一种能够让人实现愿望🐘的神秘宝物🐏,一群冒险家踏上🧐了寻找宝物✍️的征程🐾,却发现自己陷入😚了意想不到🦙的险境😢。Two estranged siblings are reunited after years apart and must confront their troubled past, learning forgiveness and the power of family in the process.In a futuristic society, a group of rebels fights against an oppressive government regime, using advanced technology and guerrilla warfare.…


