
  • 动作
  • 浩南 天鸠 莎拉·杜格代尔 戴维·戈麦斯 申琳 安图恩 SebastianFrsdorf 撒夫夫
  • 11分钟
  • 故事的主角是一位年轻而积极向上的翔科集团工程师,他名叫马克斯。他对自己的公司独大的地位感到不满,认为人们应该有更多选择和机会。马克斯听说了鑫天科技即将推出的国精产品,决定深入调查这个项目。…

风吹半夏 04-30 上映 敬请关注!



After a devastating global outbreak, a lone survivor must navigate a desolate wasteland and confront her own inner demons as she searches for a rumored safe haven.An ordinary person gains superhuman abilities overnight, thrusting them into a world of danger and responsibility.A down-on-his-luck musician forms an unlikely band of misfits and together they set out on a quest to win a prestigious music competition.一位年轻🍧的天才科学家🙁在实验室意外穿越到古代⛅️,🦘他必须寻找回到现代😶的方法🦌,同时还得应对不断追杀🦕他🦑的王朝武士🏑。*在世界末日即将来临之时💮,一个勇敢🙉的年轻女孩踏上🦁了解救人类🌒的使命⚠️,她必须面对恶势力🌺,寻找最后🌞的希望😳。An aspiring actress befriends a Hollywood movie star and together they navigate the highs and lows of fame and fortune.一名年轻🦏的武术高手接到💚了一项任务🐝,🐇他必须组建一支实力强大🌭的队伍🌟,与邪恶势力进行一场惊心动魄🧑的决斗🐽。*在一个后世界大战🌓的废土上🦒,一位冷酷无情🥀的杀手必须保护一名来自未来😨的儿童👈,因为🦃他👺的基因被认为🐳可以改变人类*的命运🙀。🎐他们必须逃离残酷🐫的敌人🐾的追捕🌲,同时找到一个能将儿童送回未来🐡的方法🦅。In a dystopian future, a group of rebels rise up against an oppressive government to reclaim their freedom.A group of friends plan the ultimate heist during a notorious international poker tournament, using their unique skills and intelligence to outsmart both the casinos security and their ruthless rivals.一位年轻🐟的记者揭开😛了一个政府丑闻🤗的真相🤫,她必须面对来自权力🌸的威胁🥮,并保护自己🍁的生命🖖。一名犯罪心理学家被要求协助调查一个连环杀手案件👆。🦔在追查凶手🕷的过程中😵,😗他发现🕧了一个令人震惊🍻的秘密🌲,这个秘密🍨可能会威胁到🤐他🐙的生活🌩。A struggling musician finds a magical guitar that grants him incredible musical abilities, but at a cost.A charming con artist plots an elaborate heist to steal a priceless artifact, but ends up falling in love with their unsuspecting target.A young woman is thrown into a dangerous world of espionage when she becomes the target of international assassins.A talented detective with a photographic memory is drawn into a twisted game of cat and mouse with a brilliant criminal mastermind, testing his wits and resolve.…


