
  • 恐怖
  • 罗德里戈加西亚 蓝洁瑛 阿登·杨 JenniferBarnes 饥鱼 艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 Terrence 张信哲
  • 57分钟
  • 故事的主角是一位年轻而积极向上的翔科集团工程师,他名叫马克斯。他对自己的公司独大的地位感到不满,认为人们应该有更多选择和机会。马克斯听说了鑫天科技即将推出的国精产品,决定深入调查这个项目。…

花戎 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



Two childhood friends reunite after years apart, only to discover that one of them is now a notorious criminal mastermind, forcing them to choose between loyalty and justice.一部富🐾有传奇色彩😔的古老宝藏🐣的秘密🅱️在千年后被揭开😅,一群冒险家们展开🍳了一场艰险🥝的探索之旅🍮,🐙他们面临着生死考验🍆,同时也揭示😅了🎗他们内心🐚的真正宝藏😅。A group of strangers find themselves trapped in a haunted mansion, where they must uncover its dark secrets in order to escape alive.A small-town girl with big dreams moves to the city, facing numerous challenges and setbacks on her journey to stardom.In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of survivors must navigate dangerous territory as they search for a rumored safe haven.A brilliant scientist creates a groundbreaking technology that allows people to enter the dreams of others, only to realize the devastating consequences of manipulating the human subconscious.A team of archaeologists embarks on a dangerous expedition to uncover a long-lost ancient civilization buried beneath the Amazon rainforest.A retired assassin is forced out of hiding when his former agency seeks to eliminate him and anyone he cares about.对失散多年🧓的亲兄妹偶然相遇🐌,🐵他们决定合力寻找曾经失去🍸的家庭🤗。一个年轻🐕的警察局新人卷入🍇了一起令人震惊🉑的谋杀案🎽,🦟他必须摆脱自己😌的种种困境🐣,解开事实真相🥮,还原正义🐃。一位冷静沉着😧的特工与一位冒失活泼🛡的新搭档合作🌿,揭露并阻止一场世界末日🙉的阴谋💘。Two rival gangs clash in a gritty urban underworld, as their leaders compete for control while a young couple caught in the crossfire must fight to protect their love.🦍在一个未来🐈的科技世界🦘,一位天才科学家发明😕了一种🤡可以重写记忆🎲的技术🏑,但意外地被黑暗势力利用🍱,一群年轻人挺身而出🧂,阻止🤡他们😔的邪恶计划*。A group of strangers find themselves trapped in a sinister mansion, where they must solve puzzles and unravel the dark secrets of their mysterious host in order to escape.🕛在一个未来极权社会🌮,一个平凡人意外发现🐏了一个能改变未来🐑的秘密文件😾,并成为🐈了革命⚜️的希望🐈。🤗在一个被妖怪掌控🤬的武林世界中🉐,一位普通🕠的年轻乡村少年意外得到🐪了一本传世武功秘笈💢。☯️他必须通过不断修炼🎰和战胜强敌🦆,最终挑战妖怪统治者🐺,拯救整个世界🦙。…


